What's inside:
Message from Rob MacIsaac, President & CEO
Message from Dr. Catherine Ross, Outgoing MSA President
2021 Physician Award Recipients
2021 Outstanding Resident Award Recipients
In Memory of Our Cherished Colleagues
Welcome, 2021-23 MSA Executive!
A Message from Dr. Dath, Incoming MSA President
Message from Rob MacIsaac, President & CEO

The past year at Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) has been a challenge as we responded to the many demands posed by the pandemic. While the impacts were different across each team and service, none was left untouched. Despite the uncertainty of the pandemic, our team also achieved significant milestones toward the transformation of patient care at HHS.
On behalf of the HHS Board of Directors and leadership team, thank you for helping to navigate the ongoing delivery of patient care during the past year. Your collaboration and guidance was essential. In particular, I would like to thank Dr. Catherine Ross for her leadership and advice during her term as president, and for continuing to engage physicians in our work together. I look forward to working with Dr. Deepak Dath and the rest of the MSA Executive as we continue to engage physicians in the development and implementation of Epic and transformation of care for patients at HHS.
I would also like to extend a special congratulations all of the MSA award recipients who were recognized by their colleagues for their outstanding contributions. A special note of recognition as well to those that we lost this year.
Once again, thank you for your continued commitment to collaborative quality improvement, and most importantly, to our patients and families.
Message from Dr. Catherine Ross, Outgoing MSA President

Dear Colleagues,
It has been my privilege to work with the amazing physicians at HHS over the last two years, most of which was spent during the pandemic. For all of us at HHS, it has certainly has been a journey (enough said).
The Medical Staff Association (MSA) wishes to acknowledge the selflessness, teamwork, personal and professional sacrifice of our HHS physicians during this time .It was actually easy to be your representative during a time when your best was consistently on display.
Additionally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the MSA executive for their support and advice over the last two years, and to welcome our new executive as they take on the representation roles for our medical staff.
As one of my last official duties, I am pleased and proud to be able to present our annual MSA awards to our physicians as nominated by their colleagues and of course our residents (all virtually of course).
We hope that you take the chance to read about their accomplishments.
Congratulations as well to the 12 individuals in our post-graduate training programs that received the Outstanding Resident Awards for 2021. (Must be in Citrix to access links.)
I also have the sad duty to ask our members to take a moment to remember our HHS colleagues who passed away in the last year, who were so valuable as physicians in our organization, but also as friends to many of us. I hope that you can take a moment of silence to reflect on these wonderful people.

Welcome, 2021 – 23 MSA Executive!

Welcome to the incoming 2021 – 23 Medical Staff Association Executive!
Dr. Deepak Dath, President
Dr. Thomas Van Helder, Vice-President
Dr. Bill Ristevski, Secretary Treasurer
Dr. Katherine Zukotynski, Website Liaison
Dr. Catherine Ross, Past President
Click here to read Dr. Dath’s reflections on the future for the MSA. (Must be in Citrix.)
Thank you as well to all of the MSA members-at-large. Please check the MSA website to see all of the current MSA representatives.