Elections for MSA Executive for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022:
We are now calling out to you for your nominations for the MSA Executive 2021. Attached are the forms for nominations and deadlines. The following are timelines for the election process for each Term of Office.
March 25, 2021 Nomination forms are emailed to Active Members. Associate and Affiliate members cannot hold office but may nominate and may vote.
Deadline for submission: April 23, 2021
April 30, 2021 Deadline for Letter submission – if there are multiple candidates for any position, a letter will be requested and circulated to the membership prior to the election.
May 3, 2021 Begin Election Period
May 28, 2021 Election Period Ends
Election results will be announced at the next Physician Town Hall.
Details/link will be circulated closer to the date.
Nomination forms (included in this email) to be scanned and emailed to
MSA@HHSC.ca by the deadlines indicated above. No nominations will be accepted after these dates.
Election ballots will be submitted by survey monkey to the external neutral party, one vote per member only. Results will be submitted to the MSA Executive when the period closes within 72 hours.
The MSA membership will be informed by email and the new Executive will be introduced at the next Virtual Town Hall. Details/Link will be circulated closer to the date.
**Hospital by-laws state that Associate/Affiliate members may nominate and vote, but only Active members can run for office.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to MSA@hhsc.ca